I am so very pleased to be home. Away from that noisy place, where I had to shout just to keep up with the neighbours - now my bark is so hoarse, it hurts, so I'm thinking I'd better rest it for a few days. And talking of rest - all that barking at the kennels really tired me out: I couldn't sleep, couldn't relax, had to stay alert 24/7 to keep up with all the gossip. Now I'm home, I'm really, really tired. Slept by the Aga: Then helped to water the blue-berries And sniffed around the bonfire. Rabbits have been very busy in my absence - loads of droppings! Yum! Missed my blankie! Gave it a good chew. Didn't want mum to leave me anywhere again, so followed her around everywhere, even helped with the washing. Got between her and the dishwasher, between her and the bin, between her and the kettle - managed to make her trip over me a couple of times too. Don't want her to forget I'm here. Later tried to sleep again. But ... ... couldn...
Stories and musings on life composed while walking the dog. Plus the odd rant.