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I'm a confused black lab

Well ... my family has had a very strange week:

First, they woke me at 3.30am on Tuesday morning, because they were trying to cook their house. If you have read my blog here before, then you will be aware of my thoughts regarding the wasteful human habit of cooking meat, but you would have thought they would have drawn the line at burning their house. There was a lot of shouting and noise and huge vehicles with flashing lights and men in yellow hats who climbed ladders and used hoses to put out the cooking efforts. It left an awful great hole in the roof of my house and it smells funny inside now - a bit like a damp, dead rabbit that had a sixty a day habit. Anyway, after all that excitement you would have thought things might have settled down a bit ... but no! Those builders, who had been moving walls, ripping up floors and putting doors where there hadn't been doors before, are back! They are actually pretty good this time, as my house already has a roof again. And the nice man with biscuits in his pockets is still here.

Just to add to my doggy confusion, I was taken for a ride in the car and this is something that doesn't happen very often and usually means something vaguely unpleasant might be afoot. I was right to be nervous. We went to visit the tall, scarey man, who lives in a white room; the man who stuck his finger where no man should ever put a finger, when  I was there the last time, after I'd eaten a rather tasteless furry thing that turned out to be made of beans and not meat. This time, he attacked me with a needle and then squirted something horrible up my nose. I really don't like him. But my owner does! I thought she loved me, but she paid him to hurt me - all very confusing.

And now, there is talk of another trip in the car for me. Of me having to go away. And of my human family going away too. Not sure if I can sleep tonight - fires, needles, holidays! Nightmares perhaps.


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