... for now I am in a holiday humor W Shakespeare Family holidays. Or six go travelling while two go to prison/canine-holiday-camp aka. kennels. The two-legged, travelling members of the family pose for a shadow pic - shadows lengthened by the evening sun have lengthened anyway with passing years (... mine, though, appears to have broadened). And I wonder how many more of these shadow pictures there will be and if we shall ever pose just six of us, again. Or if the breadth generally of our shadow profile will extend to include partners and children and when and who they will be. And dreaming of wider shadows and little hands and little arms reaching across the gaps, I define and re-define family. As generations have before. Poignant. And joyous. And wonderful. What is a holiday if not a time for sentimental dreaming? Holiday - noun - defn: an extended period away from work or school; often spent away from home or travelling ...
Stories and musings on life composed while walking the dog. Plus the odd rant.