Rushing ... to deliver Littlest to a play date. Rushing ... to the station so that Eldest could catch a train. To take her away. Again. Rushing ... against the traffic and distance and time to get to work. On time. (Or is it in time?) And the following (slightly embarrassing event) occurred - We reached the venue for the play date. I said good-bye to Littlest - kissed three times, quick (I'm rushing) squeeze - and jogged (still in rushing mode) back to the car. I sat down, a little out of breath. Strapped in. Right hand onto steering wheel. My head was now rushing. Thoughts of arriving late at work. Worry about keeping people with appointments waiting. Feeling just a little stressed as time ticked on (somewhat faster that Google maps had predicted). I reached down to put the engine into first gear and the hand-break off. Both my hands now ready on the steering wheel. Brow furrowed. Eyes fixed on the bend ahead and the navigation hazard of a builder lifting some ...
Stories and musings on life composed while walking the dog. Plus the odd rant.