I have acquired a shadow - actually I have always had a shadow; especially on sunny days - but this evening, I have a four-legged shadow, who moves every time I move, lies at the bottom of the stairs when I go up to check on Littlest and her sister, and is now collapsed at my feet (as close to my feet as he can get without actually lying on them). Panting! When last unwell, he drooled rivulettes of drool all over the floor. Today the floor is dry, but the panting is quite pronounced. Is this just a hazard of having a big, constantly ravenous dog, who eats everything he comes across that is remotely edible? Today, he sampled a maggot-infested rabbit, until I noticed and it spoke to him - Beep! Beep! - and he left it alone. His good behaviour was rewarded with a bone, but he obviously decided that that wasn't sufficient, as there are now fewer apples left on the tree than there were this morning - the size of the next family crumble is shrinking by the day! So over-appled or rabb...
Stories and musings on life composed while walking the dog. Plus the odd rant.