Tomorrow has a palindromic number for its date: 21.2.12. There was one in January, on 21.1.12, and there will be more this year - the 21st of every single digit month, and November.
The same will happen next year, starting with 31.1.13 and after that there will be no more palindromic dates for a long while (does 02.1.20 count?)
This got me thinking, in a strange-over-tired-out-of-the-box sort of way - besides names like Hannah and Eve, and Dad and Mum - what if other things in life were palindromes? Are there any physical palindromes? - an egg timer, exactly half-poured, laid on its side? Is deja vu, in fact, a palindrome in linear time? - probably not, unless one thought is the exact reverse of the other. What about the infinite reflections when you stand half way between two facing mirrors? And finally - final, because I need to sleep; could counting sheep be palindromic? - what about Newton's Third law of motion - every action has an equal and opposite reaction - if the point where equal and opposite meet is the equivalent of the month in the dates above and the equal and opposite forces are the date and the year, then surely this is a palindromic law of physics?
None of this matters of course, but a bit of trivial nonsense is good for all of us from time to time.
The same will happen next year, starting with 31.1.13 and after that there will be no more palindromic dates for a long while (does 02.1.20 count?)
This got me thinking, in a strange-over-tired-out-of-the-box sort of way - besides names like Hannah and Eve, and Dad and Mum - what if other things in life were palindromes? Are there any physical palindromes? - an egg timer, exactly half-poured, laid on its side? Is deja vu, in fact, a palindrome in linear time? - probably not, unless one thought is the exact reverse of the other. What about the infinite reflections when you stand half way between two facing mirrors? And finally - final, because I need to sleep; could counting sheep be palindromic? - what about Newton's Third law of motion - every action has an equal and opposite reaction - if the point where equal and opposite meet is the equivalent of the month in the dates above and the equal and opposite forces are the date and the year, then surely this is a palindromic law of physics?
None of this matters of course, but a bit of trivial nonsense is good for all of us from time to time.
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