Snow! On and on it snows. And the undefined becomes defined in cold black and white:
Snow can, can't water
Gates - so provocative: whither which path?
Snowy seat
Walking the dogs and an idle, fun, but chilly way to travel
Long walk to home, heat and dry clothes
Bertie Baggins doesn't mind the cold ... as long as there's a bit of bread making him pose for the camera
Four-legged-friend would do anything for a bit of bread - "Snow on my nose? What snow? I'm posing! I'm getting bread!!"
Littlest - well ... wellies full of compacted snow - so full that feet were plugged firmly; a plaster-cast of wet sock, a thin film of melting snow, and outer layers of hard snow and unpliable, frozen, wellie rubber. Took half an hour or so of hot chocolate, feet up my jumper (don't ask), two dry vests, two jumpers and a warm hooded fleecy before the sensation came back and toe colour went from red to healthy pink
Poor Littlest - lots of cuddles later, had a chat about the wisdom of mothers, who do sometimes know best when they say things like "Don't lie down in the snow for too long" and "If you do that you'll get snow in your wellies." Cautionary tale? - perhaps. Or simply part of the childish fun to be had in the snow.
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