"What wilt thou do when the summer is shed?"
AC Swinburne 'Itylus' 1864
In answer to Algernon Swinburne (what a wonderful name) ... remember it; savour it in the sweet bramble harvest and jars of apple chutney; and look forward to autumn - smoky bonfires, early sunsets, the demise of summer flies, and the promise of the crisp clear air of winter.
Today this blog is a rant free zone - mellow, reflective ... it might even aid sleep. It's heavy on the gardening side of 'Walking the Dog's life. Light on Littlest - unmentioned apart from there. And experiments with a brief amble into literature - the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations to be precise: it has sat forlorn and forgotten for many a long month on a shelf next to my desk. I was feeling generous and thought I might give the pages an airing. Pretentious ... me!!! Nooo. Maybe a little bit. Anyhow, back to the blog in hand -
Memories of a summer past in pictures
My path before it became un-pathable
More blue. Actually purple, but like many a (purple) garden plant I think they're called 'blue'
Chianti sunrise looking towards Siena (July)
Back home and blogs not being scratch and sniff, I feel this picture mocks just a little
Summer warming up
Apples apples apples - lots and lots of apples
Botanic colour inspiration - white
and red hot.
Brief blush of red at home
And finally, the crab depletion exercise
And so to autumn and leaves and clearing and wearing wellies again. But there are a few crab apples left on the tree, beyond Bertie Baggins's reach. And there are still brambles to pick. And sloes. And as Lord Byron wrote...
"Eternal summer gilds them yet,
But all except their sun, is set."
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