5 trains; 1 stop in Edinburgh Waverley Station for coffee with cousin I haven't seen for 15years (20 minute catching-up, like speed dating only without the 'will we won't we keep in touch' - of course we will! and hopefully before we both hit 60); 3 car journeys; 1 ferry crossing - spent applying make-up using the car sun visor mirrors (ha ha!); 4 old friends in on our conspiracy, and 2 parents celebrating 50 years of marriage, who hadn't a clue that 2 of their daughters were about to turn up and take them out for dinner.
Ely station, first of many... |
Dunoon Pier |
Made our mother cry.
Dog of course at home with kids and kids friends and builders and plumbers and much later, tired husband. Away for only one night but nice to be told how much I was needed and missed. Should perhaps do this more often ...
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