Bunty, Bobby and Beatrice (Emerald Frog blog) will have to wait until tomorrow ... sorry ... got it all planned out in my head but forgot that B B & B are red squirrels and that the baddies must therefore be grey, so planned names wouldn't fit - will have to sleep on it and see if more inspiration drifts my way. If this makes no sense to you at all, then apologies and for explanation read chapters 1 - 3 of B B & B in Emerald Frog.
Somewhat miserable day today - work; kids music exams & driving test; and work.
Reasons why work was distressing today:
Somewhat miserable day today - work; kids music exams & driving test; and work.
Reasons why work was distressing today:
- wasn't at home
- got stuck behind tractor; then lorry; then another tractor on way there
- computer system had changed - made me run late; made me look/feel stupid; meant I missed my coffee break
- couldn't be there to give my son a hug when he failed his driving test
- dog = maniac when got home, after a morning shut in his pen listening to builders singing
- work!!! need I say anything more
- and ... got to go back tomorrow
- and ... slightly jealous of son who will be at Wimbledon tomorrow
Tip to all you undecided youngsters out there (if anyone is actually reading this) aim to do a job or enter a profession that you actually enjoy - that way work won't feel like work and you'll be happy. Maybe.
Eldest has just told me to go to bed ... because I "have to go to work tomorrow!!!!!"
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