In the East of England today it has been the hottest day for many years: far too hot for normal temperate climate mortals to ...
- think. Worryingly can't get my words out. This results in incoherent mumblings and ridiculous repetition, as I struggle to identify object or person (having mother-in-law at youngest child's swimming gala today was a nightmare, as I was even worse than usual at the social skill of introductions and remembering peoples names) - possible early dementia, or combination of sleep deprivation and HEAT!
- cook. Reheat yesterdays dinner, perhaps ... but Aga still on in kitchen: no go zone, as hotter than hot.
- dress. Naturists have a point - in this weather only, I hasten to add. I'm NOT about to strip off ... but it would be cooler...
- sleep. Poor, exhausted youngest now downstairs in cooler part of house, "watching something" and with electric fan trained on her.
- drink sensibly - wine quaffed rather too fast this evening - need water now!
- walk the dog. Poor poor fellow. Think he would collapse if I tried . Water bowls everywhere for him, but found him drinking from watering-can earlier. Youngest commented, "He's panting an awful lot." But that's what dogs do. We just drink too much - then regret it - and need to find water too ... but I might give the watering can a miss!
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